Product ID and Price ID

Setting up a product and retrieving the product ID and price ID in Stripe involves a few straightforward steps. Here's a short guide:

1. Create a Stripe Account

  • If you don't have one, sign up for a Stripe account at

2. Set Up the Product

  • Log in to your Stripe Dashboard.

  • Navigate to the Products section.

  • Click + New to create a new product.

  • Fill in the product details, such as name, description, and images (if applicable).

  • Save the product.

3. Create a Price for the Product

  • After creating the product, go to the product page in the dashboard.

  • Under the "Pricing" section, click Add pricing.

  • Choose the pricing type (one-time or recurring), currency, and price.

  • Save the price.

4. Retrieve Product ID and Price ID

  • Go to the Products section in your dashboard.

  • Click on the specific product to view its details.

  • The Product ID (starting with prod_) is visible in the product details.

  • The Price ID (starting with price_) can be found under the "Pricing" section.

5. Use the IDs in Your Application

  • You can now use the Product ID and Price ID in your config file.

Last updated