Subscription types and plans

The configuration files of your application is located in lib/config folder.

/auth.config.ts and /auth.ts files are responsible for authentication

Code snippet of config file located at lib/Config/main.ts

export const config: Data = {
     plans: [
            name: SubscriptionPlan.STARTER,
            label: "Starter",
            featured: false,
            type: "FREE",
            stripeProductId: null,
            price: {
                value: "$0",
                stripePriceId: null,
            description: "Description of your Starter plan",
            button: {
                label: "Get started for free",
                href: "/auth/sign-up",
            features: {
                available: ["Feature 1", "Feature 2"],
                unavailable: [
                    "Feature 3",
                    "Feature 4",
                    "Feature 5",
                    "Feature 6",

            name: SubscriptionPlan.PREMIUM,
            label: "Premium",
            type: "RECURRING",
            featured: false,
            stripeProductId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            price: {
                Monthly: {
                    value: "$9",
                    stripePriceId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                Annually: {
                    value: "$90",
                    stripePriceId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            description: "Description of your Premium plan.",
            button: {
                label: "Checkout",
                href: "",
            features: {
                available: ["Feature 1", "Feature 2", "Feature 3", "Feature 4"],
                unavailable: ["Feature 5", "Feature 6"],

            name: SubscriptionPlan.PLUS,
            label: "Plus",
            type: "RECURRING",
            featured: true,
            stripeProductId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            price: {
                Annually: {
                    value: "$190",
                    stripePriceId: "",
                Monthly: {
                    value: "$19",
                    stripePriceId: "",
            button: {
                label: "Checkout",
                href: "",
            description: "Description of your Entreprise plan.",

            features: {
                available: [
                    "Feature 1",
                    "Feature 2",
                    "Feature 3",
                    "Feature 4",
                    "Feature 5",
                    "Feature 6",
                unavailable: [],

            name: SubscriptionPlan.ENTREPRISE,
            label: "Enterprise",
            type: "ONETIME",
            featured: false,
            stripeProductId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            price: {
                value: "$900",
                stripePriceId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",

            description: "Description of your Entreprise plan.",
            button: {
                label: "Checkout",
                href: "",
            features: {
                available: [
                    "Feature 1",
                    "Feature 2",
                    "Feature 3",
                    "Feature 4",
                    "Feature 5",
                    "Feature 6",
                unavailable: [],

Subscription Types and Stripe Configuration

Nextsaas offers three subscription types: Free, Recurring, and One-time. Each type has a specific Stripe configuration.

1. Free Plan

The Free plan does not require Stripe integration.

  stripeProductId: null,
  price: {
    value: "$0",
    stripePriceId: null,

2. Recurring Plan

The Recurring plan offers monthly and annual billing options.

  stripeProductId: "prod_Q9IlnhsXwxNtfW",
  price: {
    Monthly: {
      value: "$9",
      stripePriceId: "price_1PJ09dD8PnrtK1gBjgxxxxxx",
    Annually: {
      value: "$90",
      stripePriceId: "price_1PJ0ATD8PnrtK1gB0C6xxxxxx",

3. One-time Plan

The One-time plan is a single payment option.

  stripeProductId: "prod_Q9IlnhsXwxNtfW",
  price: {
    value: "$900",
    stripePriceId: "price_1PJ0ATD8PnrtK1gBpmxxxxxx",

PS: Plan names should be determined at both the config object level and the Prisma schema level.

enum SubscriptionPlan {

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